Monday, November 6, 2017

Follow these image requirements for Amazon products

Amazon is a big platform where various products are displayed. Millions of people visit this giant marketplace daily. Both the sellers and buyers visit Amazon to sell or buy their products. This is a great marketplace for showcasing your product. Great discounts are given and sellers posted lucrative product photos.

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In order to improve your sales in Amazon online store, you require beautiful product photos. You can contact a specialist clipping path service provider for the product photo editing. Before posting your photos on Amazon marketplace remember these product image requirements:

Authentic images are priority

Most of the online website put premium quality photos of their product. People love good quality images of any product. That’s why online webstore use premium quality images to attract the customers.

Do you know what the power of premium photos is? The genuine and beautiful photos of the product succeed to lure the customer’s eyes. The buyers feel connected towards the product and believe the web portal is genuine.

It is the prime reason why Amazon creates image guidelines for sellers. Every seller who want to sell their product through Amazon must abide by these rules. The rules help the sellers to upload their product image without any problem.

It is not possible for the sellers to put their product images in a different way. It will hamper their online website credibility. So the buyers require to see the Amazon product photo rules. The guidelines will assist them to understand the product features.

image editing service

Amazon Photo rules

  1. Always remember the illustration or drawing of the product is not permissible.
  2. The product image will be the cover art. It is good to hire a professional product photographer for the photo shoot.
  3. The photo must be genuine, professionally edited including real color and good edges. Hire a professional image editing service for it.
  4. The product photo must be in a clean format. Don’t shoot anything that makes buyer confuse.
  5. Amazon forbids all kind of pornographic images, offensive contents or materials.
  6. If you sell videos, DVD’s, book or music, your product images frame must fill up 100%. Also, this category product must have front cover art. You are not allowed to sell cell phones, jewel cases and stickers that used for promotional work.
  7. The other category product must be filling 85% of their image frame.
  8. The whole product should be in the image frame.
  9. The product images must not contain inset photos, additional graphics or text.
  10. The RGB of the image should be 255, 255, and 255. It will be pure white background.

Every seller needs to abide by these specific image rules. Here are some more tips to present good quality photos to the buyer.

1. Your product image should be placed on the main image including all the details. The seller should add the product image including a redirect URL. When any buyer clicks on the product image the picture will take him to the main image.

2. The sellers have to introduce alternate images. The alternate images demonstrate various angles, sizes, fabric, colors of the product.

3. If the product images are too big in size then crop it. Amazon recommends to using 1000 px to 2500 px image size. The white backgrounds need to use because bad backgrounds can distract the customers. Hire a image background removal service provider for it.

These are some important image guidelines for Amazon product. Hope, you will understand it and apply to your website. 

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